Tuesday 19 June 2012

Wedding Word Weave for Giles and Laura

 A Wordweave for Giles and Laura

There’s a feeling like the buzzing of the frothing foam from a recently smoothed out wave
Like the leaping of the white sea- horses, riding the waves into the security of shore
When your feet tingle as the sea sucks away from the sand softening the mould of your tickling toes
When hilarity bubbles from the place of hiccups
outrageous comedy flooding the seascape with scandalous colours
This is how we feel when we are with you

It is corks popping from champagne, fizzing charisma over brimming glasses
Foaming baths and pink lemonade, crunchy meringue, the shock of sherbet as it hits the tongue
It is blowing magic bubbles on a rainy day,
The warmth of happy memories and a hug the size of the future
This is how we feel when we are with you.

It is the twinkling of a charmed heart, a hint of mischief in a dimpled cheek, a smiley wink
An effervescent energy bouncing our steps, bubbling out, infectious
It is supercalifragilisticespialidocious
It’s Blooming Marvellous
It’s how we feel when we are with you

Written and read out at the ceremony for my nephew and his wife Laura on the occasion of their wedding on  16th June 2012

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