Saturday 5 October 2013

A Wordweave for Chiquita, commissioned by my friend in memory of her Mum as a present for her brother

A bientot Maman Chic
It is time to make your signature flight home
Float to your abode on a striped green cloud of parfum Parisienne
Sign out in your slingbacks and sunglasses
Lacquered hair now long, now short, changing as you soar with the African winds
Wing to safety in a bat dress scented with orchard colours
Let it carry you to your habitation.
Fly through that gate and dwell in that house
All daring and brave and neat as a pin
Inhabit that spice-filled dwelling, dance on the incense-spiked air
 Light as a feather with your kohl lined eyes
Crochet some curtains for the Angel's dwellings
Furnish your returning with Love

Au revoir Nana Chiq
It is time to read our bedtime story
For we are still reading the same book, you on one side, we on the other
 Your face will light with a luminous smile at each new chapter 
Just as it always has
Filled with energy and happiness
You have landed now on the solid brown  earth
In the garden of God's ordered chaos
Where everything has its place, where everyone is put back in their home

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